79) Punts and Problems

What? An episode the day it’s meant to drop? Vilten must be in retrograde and Gudal in its ninth house of the evening! Join our fearsome three as the mind, soul, but not body melded duo of Nat and Taro take things to a truly existential level and decide to kick it, while Nerium finally…

78) Pest Control

An episode is never late, dear listener, nor is it early. It arrives precisely when it means to, which just happens to be tonight! If you remember what the hell’s been going on, give yourself a pat on the back and a middling sized reward of your choice. In this episode, Nerium continues to sleep…

77) Fast and Furious

Here we are! We’re back after a little break and ready to cause some serious trouble in the world of Alfallen! With a terrifying, invisible, interdimensional creature now tearing up the ghostly realm of the Sanitorium, it’s up to Taro and Nat (Nerium’s taking a gosh dang NAP) to sort out this mess. But the…

76) Pestilence

Yubi might be good at spinning a yarn, but they’re not so good at time keeping! Never fear, our episode is here, and it’s a wild one! Taro and Natalia battle with the results of Nerium’s spell gone wrong, and Nerium does the only sensible thing: go to bed. But with a jackal running wild…

75) From The Depths

We’re back! We’re here! We (Yubi) got SUPER BUSY and did not upload this episode in a timely manner, but here we are! Once more we delve into the trials and tribulations of Natalia, Taro, and Nerium as they cut away at the mysteries surrounding the violet drop, Rupert, and what the heck is going…